
  • Kenn Chipchase

    Staff Pastor

    Pastor Kenn is the founding pastor of Pillar. He previously served as an associate pastor at Jeffersontown Bible Church in Jeffersontown KY. He is married to Lizzy and they have four children. Kenn is a graduate of Calvary Bible College (B.A.) and Calvary Theological Seminary (M.S.) (now Calvary University), and is currently pursuing an M.Div through Shepherds Theological Seminary.

    Kenn is passionate about connecting rich theology to everyday living and enjoys seeing people grow in their faith and walk with Christ. In his spare time, he enjoys chess, all things baseball (go Cubs!), and spending time with his family. He is one of the hosts of the Do Theology podcast and you can read his personal blog at kennchipchase.com.

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  • Plurality of Elders

    We believe the most biblically faithful leadership structure in a local church is for a church to be led by a plurality of elders. Elders are one of God's gifts to the church (Eph 4:11; 1 Pet 5:1-4), and one of the key roles of the existing leadership is to identify and train the leaders that God has given to that local church. Though we currently do not have a plurality of elders due to our size and stage of development, we are actively working toward the goal of identifying, training, and appointing elders as the Scriptures instruct.

  • Steering Committee

    Henry Vosburgh; Jim Smith

    Until such a time when there are additional qualified men who will serve as elders, Pillar has the benefit of two teams to assist Pastor Kenn as he provides leadership to Pillar. 

    To help shoulder the administrative load, Pillar has a steering committee comprised of Henry Vosburgh (MCE's Executive Director), Pastor Kenn, Phil Shope, and Jim Smith

  • The PACT

    To help Kenn with some of the pastoral aspects of the ministry, MCE has assembled a Pastoral Advisory and Counsel Team (PACT). The PACT members bring decades of pastoral and church planting experience to the table and is overseen by Henry Vosburgh. The other men are Ron David (Pastor, Townsend Bible Church Newburg, IN), and Dave Laborde (Pastor, Community Bible Church, Paris IL).